Words Matter: Designer as Activist
Social media campaigns communicate a civic action you are passionate about. Examples: "Save the WhalesLinks to an external site." or "Support Ukraine NowLinks to an external site.."
We will discuss the following essential elements of a Design Brief:
Category Review: Find examples of existing campaigns on your chosen subject. Share with the class what is and is not working in the examples. Use design language and vocabulary to discuss the design.
Target Audience Review: Who is the persona you are designing for?
Objective: What is your intended goal? Donations, volunteers, or awareness?
Project Scope and Timeline are listed below in "Deliverables."
Research: What is the topic or cause?
Design one profile icon for an Instagram profile page.
9 social media posts motivate your audience to act on your chosen cause.
1 or 2 mockups on a mobile device
Dimensions: 1080 x 1080 pixels
Color: RGB; choose a color palette of 5 or less
Point, Line, and Plane (Shapes): Frame reference; touching; overlapping and cropping of forms; illusory space; contrast of elements in terms of size, direction, space, and position; and the dynamics of negative-positive relationships. The discoveries result from experimentation with the interrelationships of forms, a vital experience for the growth of a designer developing a personal, formal style. Combining these principles can further expand a mere graphic vocabulary into a comprehensive, abstract graphic language, maximizing the possibilities for graphic expression.
Typography: Use phrases of 5 words or less. Consider scale, position, color, context, and message when working with the typography. Think about repetition as a tool for emphasis. Is a whisper small? Is a yell all caps? Draw on your perceptions and experience when making design decisions with type.
File format: .png or animated .gif
Social Media Channel: Instagram